Посылаев Степан Моисеевич, 1881 г.р., м.р. Харьковская обл., русский, из крестьян, б/п, женат, малограмотный, место жительства до ареста Джанкойский район, рабочий огородник Джанкойского огородкоопхоза, арест 23.01.1933 г. Джанкойским РО ГПУ Крыма, ст. 58-7, 11 УК РСФСР: контрреволюционная деятельность, осужден 03.10.1933 г. Тройкой ПП ОГПУ по Крыму к 5 годам ИТЛ, реабилитирован 19.04.1963 г. Крымским областным судом, ГААРК, ф.р-4808, оп.1, д. 012840.
Though an interesting set-up, you may be asking yourself: Why cut up your home? Why go out of your way to build such a shifting blueprint? Method in the Maze. Though a split level house floor plan may seem http://lopata.net16.net confused and divided, there is actually a sound reason behind the design. First off, if you live on a small plot of land, live in an un-graded or sloped area, or are simply cramped between too many other homes, then this set-up makes for a very economical use of space: small multiple stories instead of full-size floors. Secondly, many homeowners who feel the need to build small invest in ranch homes, but in terms of size, a split level house gives you the efficiency of a ranch with the elegance of a two-story.